Monday, June 29, 2009

Dreamin' Up Landscapes & Embellishment Safaris

The workshop space was bustling yesterday as students worked stitching up their landscapes. Here they are showing off their quilt tops all sandwiched and ready to start the couching of pretty yarns that pull everything together.

With the workspace grown quiet again my mind is spinning with plans for my first ever Embellishment

Really looking forward to the hunt for any new, exotic or over-the-top embellishments that we can hunt up on our safari through Los Angeles schedule for this week.

If you've ever been here and know of a wild store that just shouldn't be missed please let's hear from you.

Stitchin' Up Book 2

1 comment:

natalie. beyond the reef said...

Well, knowing Rose, and knowing how she connects those sources, anyone 'going on safari' with her is in for a great time!
Can't wait....