Friday, April 29, 2011

Don't Give Up on Me

Boy, it has been BUSY this week... but almost all really good things. I have been working on several different projects. I finished up the Yosemite Chapel quilt and will be taking pictures of that soon, and I have moved on to some other BIG idea things... but, these must remain under-wraps for a bit while longer. I haven't even had a chance to really dive into my bag of goodies from last week's field trip.

It seems like with springtime things just start happening really, really quickly. In this I know I'm not alone... just look at what my friend Susan Willen has been up to! She's been dyeing fabric for weeks -- during any small sun break we may have had. Now, she has her 150 yards of fabric ready to head off to take a Nancy Crow workshop. Don't these stacks look yummy? and, I had to throw in at least one photo of Susan's work, too!

1 comment:

Valerie Kamikubo said...

I'm glad that you've been crazy busy with good things, Rose. I look forward to the Chapel reveal. Spring does seem to be busting out all over. I've ben thinking about getting out the rusty stuff and doing some more rust dyeing, but then I want to paint, draw, take phots and sew, too. It's just a matter of making the time, and in my case, narrowing my focus a tad :)