Jeanette is an incredible person and artist. Her time has truly come to share herself through her artwork with others, and I am happy to be here to watch her come into her own. Learning technology as it is used to promote ourselves as artists is one of her current goals, and I wasn't sure that she was going to make it, but she did. Jeanette is the last of this little series of quilt artists that have pieces in my new book....
Now, in her own words:
I work in fiber because of the aesthetic appeal to the senses. The textures and patterns, when combined with color, merge into a medium of both tactile and visual pleasure. I love the fabrication process whether dyeing, silkscreening, piecing or appliqueing, using silks, wool and cottons or even paper.
Originally I was drawn to the human form and worked exclusively in the areas of art clothing and jewelry. In the past few years I have focused on art quilts and have recently returned to my love of dimensional pieces. Whether fabric figures or my newest passion fabric's all about the fiber and color.
My inspiration comes from both visual and internal reactions to experiences. Sometimes I am inspired by my photographs or sketches, writings or ideas, and sometimes tactile or visual contact with the materials. The resulting work can range from representational to abstractions.
I value the feelings and insight viewers bring to my work, although their interpretation may not match my original inspiration, the importance lies in their having created personal connection and meaning.