Friday, July 13, 2012

Fan-Tabulous Friday!

Fridays have always held a special... magical place in my heart.
They seem to be the signal for fun, and putting aside the chores
and work of the week and heading for hills.

This is one of those magical Fridays, for I'm packing up to head for a week of teaching at the Mendocino Art Center.
What could be better ----  being in a most incredible place
and getting to share my 'stuff'.

I promise to take lots of pictures.
Hope your Fan-Tabulous Friday provides a wonderful
kick-start for a great weekend!


natalie. beyond the reef said...

You will have a magical time, and your, are they in for some great class....

Rose Hughes said...

thanks - soooo looking forward to it!

Valerie Kamikubo said...

Have a great time, Rose!