Saturday, February 5, 2011

Focus, Focus, Focus

At the beginning of this year everyone seemed to be picking a ‘word’ to best describe what and how they saw 2011 unfolding. My word of choice though not fanciful, or remotely inspiring to others, was FOCUS.

I wanted this year to be one where I could stand back, take a look at just where my life has been leading me since I took the ‘leap’ into my art life. There has been so much that I have done since that time back in 2003… many tasks undertaken, many goals set and achieved and I have been exceedingly grateful for this amazing time.

It is just now it is the right time to figure out what I really want to do and set about doing it…. FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS!

I drew the word onto a sticky note and hung it above my computer when January began.

Then… January began… and once again I set about moving though my daily life. Work, family and goals, and looking back it was not unproductive. In fact, it was a productive and successful month. I had some wonderful present & teaching opportunities, my website & blog were updated (per my goal), BUT, FOCUS was left staring down at me from the sticky.

Like Gibbs on NCIS, my gut is gnawing at me.
You know how when something is meant to happen… you say it out loud… and the universe answers. Well, I have received answers from many directions and finally one has hit home.

Out on Twitter yesterday, I found an RT (for non-Twitterers this means retweet – or the resending of a message they have seen/liked and wanted others to see, too) from someone that I follow pointing me to the blog of Kesha Bruce.
Her words resonated with me, and I could see myself as she described herself… only her journey began last year...luckily for me, she shared it along the way. She provided me with the doorway and I'm ready to step though. A plan is needed!

More to follow as my journey --- guided along by Kesha’s is explored. Starting back to her blog entry of March 11, 2010 and her One Year Plan.


quilthexle said...

Good luck with "Focus" - and thanks for introducing me to Kesha Bruce ;-))

Mia Bloom Designs said...

Great blog post! I checked out Kesha's blog on your suggestion. Very informative. Focus and have a plan. Have a wonderful Monday, Rose!