Monday, January 7, 2013

I Have Moved-Join Me!

over on my new blog
don't miss out
click over and follow me there!

2013 find me Artifying & Quiltifying 
on my new blog

Each month is dedicated to
one of the design basics:

January is all about LINE

Monday, December 31, 2012

Starting Over...

In my latest book I talk about the cycle of creativity.
I introduced and defined a couple of new words:
and passed along fun, simple exercises to encourage playing and learning about basic design elements:

with 2013 upon us -- a cycle is set to begin again....

with art and creativity of course...

So start following me over on my new blog today
-- and be ready to join in the cycle of creativity fun!
while together we'll learn, experience, gather...
sort, examine, incubate...
dive in, do, pull it all together...
share, sit back, view, examine, re-examine
and enjoy it all the more as starts over again!

As a gatherer, collector and researcher by nature, and lover of the creative process, sharing each stop it takes along the way is what I'm planning to do...
(OK, I do fancy the idea of being a Flight Coordinator for creativity adventures)

My sharing ways to
ARTIFY your life,

and QUILTIFY the world, begins as the clock strikes midnight...
Happy New Year's Eve!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Moving Begins

Most of you know about my move to Paducah, KY that is in the works, but I have also been working moving my web presence from what it has been to 'a new place', too!

The remodelling began back in July and though still under construction I am going to begin posting in the new spot from here on out.

I would love to have you join me over at:

To encourage you to join me, click over,

become a follower.... before November 1st

leave me a comment about 1 thing you'd like to see to help plant a seed for creativity in your life...

and I will email you a free Poppy Dreamin' pattern!

I chose this pattern for it celebrates some of my favorite times in California.

Join me for new adventures in life and creativity!


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Journey into Journey

There was nothing in the manual about heading off for adventure and wonder,
but there should have been!

Life is full of wonder, and I have always been excited about experiencing the unknown and traveling, (even if just around the corner) to find something new that I had not noticed before. This is why 27 years ago that I packed up everything I needed, along with my son and camping gear and headed off for a cross-country journey from Florida to California.

I took a road well traveled then, as it is today -- I headed west on 10. It took me through many new places and though I did not take time for exploration then, I have gone back to spend time in many of those big and small towns I saw while driving.

Today, I am one week out for setting out on another journey. It is exciting to be headed off somewhere new and unknown, but it is a bit more bittersweet this time. There is WAY more stuff that I am taking now that could ever have fit into a '80 Honda Accord. There is so little time and sooo many friends and acquaintances to say farewell to... good thing we have Skype, and phones and planes!

The packing continues, but other things are changing, too!

Be on the lookout for a blue Outlander headed for Kentucky!
Look for the relaunch of my website --- we are really, really close,

and behind that there is a blog relaunching, too!

All, part of the wonder that I have been cooking up for a while.

Stay tuned for updates on all fronts!


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Whirlwinds & Wonder

It hardly seems possible to be now only 10 days out from our move to Paducah. Time is flying and tonight I sit typing this message while flying home from Moscow, ID.

Last week at this time I was with a bunch of CA buds laughing and sharing at the last part-ay we would throw at our place on Signal Hill. Time to replay in pic some of the fun from that night.

The tables were packed boexes, but no one seemed to mind.

Stay tuned as we continue on this big adventure.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Pinterest Hopping

Life is a fun, wild ride right now. I have a pretty full traveling &; teach schedule and am now getting to within the two week marker for my move from California to Paducah, Kentucky.

One of my favorite things that is calming and totally enjoyable is Pinterest. I love seeing the new or old (new again) stuff and letting the images lead me on little visual adventures. This morning - before the packing gets back into full swing - I have found a couple of pins that have led me to a couple of fun mid-century modern artists.

Not only did I find their work incredibly inspiring, but when I googled their names for further information I was delighted to find book and album covers that I recognize and now know who created these visual enticements.

The first is Neil Fujita -- you'll love his works &; yes, maybe recognize a few, too!

The second is Sonia Delaunay.

If you haven't tried a Pinterest Hop of your own, jump in!
and, please share something fun you have found hopping around in a comment here.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Small Things

When something seems so huge that beginning eludes me, I like to break it all down into smaller tasks. Eventually, they all add up... and the project is done.

So what's that big project looming on the horizon?
What small task can you undertake today to make it so?

The quote above is Vincent van Gough...
you're in great company!